The Fourth Annual General Meeting of Pétanque England will be held on Saturday 14th August 2021 at 2.00 pm at the Holiday Inn Farnborough, Lynchford Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6AZ.
The business of the meeting shall be:-
• To receive a report from the directors
• To approve the adoption of the annual accounts
• To appoint the President
• To appoint or re-appoint directors
• To fix the membership fees for 2022
• To consider any resolutions proposed by the Board or Members
Resolutions and Nominations
All voting and non-voting members of Pétanque England are entitled to propose resolutions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting of the company and to nominate a person for election as the president or as a director. There are 6 vacancies for the position of elected director, but the Board is proposing a Special Resolution to change the articles to reduce the maximum number of directors appointed by members from 9 to 6. If the resolution is passed the number of director vacancies will be 3. The term of office for each elected director will be for three years.
Full details are in the in the AGM Notice and Agenda, which together with all associated forms can be found on the 2021 AGM page of the website, under the ABOUT>DOCUMENTS menu. Proxy forms and any other information will be added to this same page.
Nomination Forms and Resolutions can be submitted by post to the company secretary at 1 Highview, Vigo, Gravesend, Kent, DA13 0RR or by email as a .pdf or .jpg file to and must be received by Friday 30th July 2021. If there are more nominations for president or director than vacancies, the persons with the greatest majorities of votes cast will be appointed.
Voting by Proxy
You are entitled to appoint another person as your proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend and to speak and vote at the Annual General Meeting. Voting members may appoint a proxy to vote and speak on their behalf as he thinks fit (a general proxy) or appoint a proxy with instructions to vote for or against specific resolutions (a special proxy). Members will be able to submit proxies electronically via the Loveadmin online membership system. Further instructions on how to submit proxies electronically will be issued in due course. You can also download a general or special proxy form from our website. Proxy forms will be available on the 2021 AGM page after Sunday 1st August 2021
Proxy forms must be submitted electronically, sent by post to the company secretary at 1 Highview, Vigo, Gravesend, Kent DA3 0RR or by email as a .pdf or .jpg file to to be received by 11.30 a.m. on Thursday 12th August 2021.